Click Here for Vegan Waffle Recipe!



"Be the best version of yourself"

The past few years, I've made some positive lifestyle changes, and I've seen the benefits of these changes. My goal is to educate and share what I've learned with others.
 Benefits I've seen include:
 * My HgbA1c went from 5.9 (pre-diabetic) to 5.3 (normal blood glucose range)
 * My cholesterol dropped 100 points
 * I lost 60 lbs and have kept it off
 * My blood pressure went down to 115/75
 * I'm in my 60's, but I feel healthier now than when I was in my 40's and 50's!





    My Story

    I had some big health issues. I was near becoming a diabetic, my heart was not in a good place, and I was overweight.

    I tried everything I could to get healthier. I followed popular diets that everyone was talking about. I even tried pills that promised I would lose weight quickly. Even though i was doing great in other parts of my life, getting healthy was really hard for me.

    I decided to make a change and become the best version of myself that I can. I studied and learned from the greatest experts about nutrition and exercise. I compiled what I learned and my findings from my own health journey into a program to help others. I've also designed this program to instill accountability and encouragement to make sure you reach your goals!





    Text me for a complimentary 15 minute consultation to confirm that you'll be able to benefit from my health and wellness coaching program.

    Ted Novak (916) 536-0577

    Or use the chat box below to chat with me.